RE: SV: Barbour's mistake: An alternative to a timless Platonia

From: Stathis Papaioannou <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2006 22:17:12 +1000

Lennart Nilsson writes:

> Only atheist have reason to dislike the consequence of comp. Not because they would be wrong, but because their belief in "nature" is shown to need an act of faith (and atheists hate the very notion of faith).
> Bruno
> That is the most absurd statement so far…

Most theists I know would be aghast at the idea that their precious brain could be
replaced by a digital computer (they imagine that God in Heaven would not do anything
so crass as this). Only atheists and agnostics of my acquaintance will even consider
the implications of computationalism, and even most of them either decide that it isn't
true or, even if it is true, it's a bad idea. I guess our distant ancestors would have had the
same attitude towards the idea that humans would one day drive cars and use computers.

Stathis Papaioannou
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Received on Fri Oct 06 2006 - 08:17:29 PDT

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