Rép : I think, was "Difficulties in communication. . ."

From: Bruno Marchal <marchal.domain.name.hidden>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2006 13:41:12 +0200

George Levy wrote (to Brent Meeker):

> Brent: As I understand him, Bruno agrees with Russell that "I" is a
> construct or
> inference.
> George: I think you are right. Bruno is not as extreme as I am but I
> am not sure exactly where he stands. He may be non-committed or he may
> not know how to reconcile my viewpoint with his math. It would be nice
> if we could reconcile the two viewpoints!!!

My problem is that it seems to me that I can reconcile your viewpoint
(and David Nyman's one, and even Colin Hales I would say) but only with
a big price, which is that eventually there are only numbers. Then
everything you say fits nicely the discourse of the 1-person attached
canonically to the (lobian) machine/number: she herself believe that
everything stems from her 1-point of view, until she is open to bet on
the independent existence of some others, and then to the independence
of numbers.

> That's why there can be 1st-person indeterminancy.
> No. This is not why. In fact, first person indeterminacy probably
> reinforces my point. First person indeterminacy comes about because
> there are several links from one observer moment (could be called "I"
> state) to the next logical (or historically consistent) logical
> moment. As you can see everything hinges on the "I" states. You can
> view I states either as nodes or as branches depending how you define
> the network. Of course those logical links are emergent as figment of
> imagination of the "I" in an anthropy kind of way.

All right. Except that "anthropos" means "human", and the "I" I am
using is Turing-Lob tropic or number-tropic instead.



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