Re: Implementation

From: Russell Standish <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 1999 11:58:30 +1000 (EST)

> Let me offer an alternative approach to the Maudlin/Marchal implementation
> question which is consistent with computationalism but avoids some of
> the difficulties.
> Computationalism says that implementation of a certain class of algorithms
> is necessary and sufficient for consciousness. Maudlin presents an
> experiment where a seemingly minor and (he argues) irrelevant change makes
> the difference between whether a conscious computation is implemented
> or not.
> However to conclude that Maudlin's change (adding an inert block) makes
> consciousness go away (even assuming computationalism) is a fallacy.
> We agree that the initial computation (sans block) is conscious.
> We agree that adding the block changes the computation (by changing
> counterfactual behavior). But we cannot conclude from this that the
> resulting computation is not conscious.
> The new configuration, with the block, implements a different computation
> than without (if you take counterfactuals into consideration). But have
> we proven that this new computation is not conscious? No! All we have
> proven is that this is different from the computation we started with.
> But more than one computation can be conscious, obviously. It is
> conceivable that the new computation, although different, is conscious
> as well. This is a possible escape from Maudlin's argument.

I disagree with this. It is clear that Olympia without Karas is not concious.

> Let me further offer a rationale for why this might be plausible.
> Consider a human brain which is listening to music with its eyes closed.
> It will not be having very much activity in the visual cortex. Now we,
> acting as a demon, come along and shut off much of the visual cortext.
> We disturb the neurons so that they will not behave properly. In fact,
> we set it up so that the whole brain will shut down if a certain level
> of activity is reached in the visual cortex.
> Now as long as the brain keeps its eyes closed and keeps listening to
> music, it will not notice these changes. But if it opens its eyes, it
> will experience a drastic change, including loss of consciousness.
> The question is whether, as long as the brain keeps its eyes closed, the
> brain will continue to be conscious even though we have made this change.
> I think the answer is clearly, or at least very plausibly, yes, it will
> remain conscious. All the neural activity will stay the same as it
> would have if we had not intervened, and there is no reason to expect
> consciousness to evaporate just because we made a change which *could*
> terminate conciousness if certain events occur.
> If you agree with this, I would argue that getting to Maudlin's
> situation (with the block) is now just a matter of degree. In the
> listening-to-music case, the change we made was relatively minor, and we
> left the brain with a considerable amount of freedom of action before
> it would stumble onto a counterfactual state which would terminate it.
> In Maudlin's case, the brain is much more restricted. It has only a
> minutely narrow path it must follow before it falls into a counterfactual
> state which will make it stop. As long as it stays on that path, doing
> exactly what we predicted, it will behave normally and will not be "aware"
> that danger lurks at every step.
> We can imagine a range of situations where we provide greater or
> lesser amounts of restrictions in terms of counterfactuals. If minor
> restrictions leave the brain conscious, it seems plausible that major
> restrictions would do so as well.
> If we agree with this argument, we can have both supervenience and
> computationalism, it seems to me. We agree that Maudlin's machine changes
> the program which is instantiated, but we claim that the new program
> is also conscious.
> Hal

Nice try, but I think a brain in a resting state listening to music is
so much more complex in its processing of "counterfactuals" than the
Olympia example. There must be a dividing line somewhere between the
two examples - where the nonconcious entity crosses a threshold to


Dr. Russell Standish Director
High Performance Computing Support Unit,
University of NSW Phone 9385 6967
Sydney 2052 Fax 9385 6965
Room 2075, Red Centre
Received on Sun Jul 25 1999 - 19:09:47 PDT

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