Re: Worlds do fuse and Why physical laws

From: Devin Harris <>
Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 22:47:13 -0700

Hal Finney wrote:
It's something of a semantic difference whether worlds should be said
to fuse in the MWI....One way of describing it is to say that there are
two worlds, one where the photon passes through one slit and one where
it passes through the
other. Then the worlds fuse when the photons hit the screen and this is
the cause of the interference.

George Levy wrote:
>From the the point of view of each conscious entity, the world appears
rational, but in fact the observed world is an infinitesimally thin
section of the chaotic MW.

Chris Maloney wrote:
It has always seemed kind of circular to me: that particle wave
functions are superpositions of worlds, and worlds are collections of
particles. But perhaps it's circularity is somehow fundamental.

Fusing is a fundamental process of nature and probably will eventually
explain why there is a QM probability density. Better not to consider
fusing worlds with the slit screen experiment. Instead consider defined
particle waves up to matter, moving toward comparing probable worlds
versus improbable worlds.

An electron has a far more defined wave, highly defined in almost all
situations. A cue ball bouncing around a table comparatively has almost
no wave. Its future worlds split as we split, and yet, (the density) of
what is possible is narrowly defined. The reason our future is so
narrowly defined, compared to all the chaotic possibilities, is fusing.
For example, the reason the path of the cue ball makes no radical
departure from physical laws, why it doesn't suddenly zips across the
room in one of all possible directions, (like a photon) is because our
present is constantly being narrowed. That is a given. Why, the reason
is that even though there are many possible paths in the immediate
future there is only one inevitable distant future or final outcome of a
path of time. Thus there is convergence.

The idea of convergence is that all paths of time move inevitably toward
the same future. It is based on the fact that there is a point of
balance within the set of all possible states, like zero on the
mathematical plane. That most balanced, or most neutral, point within
all possible states (worlds) acts like an attractor. It pulls time
toward it. It is literally made inevitable because of the simple fact it
is an ultimate point of balance. Being inevitable, it pulls time always
toward it, which means that it dictates what is possible for every path
of time. Not just ours, but all worlds, as all worlds begin with a Big
Bang. In other words, our present is shaped by the future.

Imagine that you are suddenly informed that you must be in Paris
tomorrow at noon. Naturally, that future requires that you pack, tell
others you are leaving, buy an airline ticket, make arrangements for
someone to feed the cat. Suddenly that requirement dictates every minute
of your life. Now imagine hypothetically that there are many possible
immediate paths for you but only one possible future state. At twelve
noon you will be in Paris. The only future that exists for you is you
will be in Paris in one precise location. Now consider how that single
future dictates your past. You can take numerous different airlines,
different planes, eat different meals, talk to different people.
However, if that future is inevitable it will eliminate a myriad of
possible paths that branch outward seemingly in all directions away from
Paris. For example, all the paths where you miss your plane, get hit by
a bus, are made impossible. That inevitability for you to be in Paris
becomes for you a set of physical laws. It defines your QM waves. No
possible paths lie outside the myriad of paths that carry you to your
future destination in Paris.

This is not just an idea. I have studied the idea of a cosmological
convergence for years, backwards and sideways. I may not be able to
explain it so that you can understand it, however, it doesn't require a
lot of study to recognize that if there is an inevitable future, one
single possible ending of time at a single balance point in the overall
set of all possibilities (state space), then that state would influence
the past of every path of time. It would shape the world in a way to
bring about itself. It would determine the laws of physics, determine
the probabilities that make one world path possible and another

What I have been trying to explain in prior posts is that before there
are physical laws, before there are many worlds or many paths of time,
even more elementary and excluding a chaotic infinitude, there is a
fundamental shape to nature, to what is possible of physical existence.
Regardless of differing physical or mathematical descriptions of a state
of infinite density, there is no meaning to the idea of a state of
greater density than infinite. The very basic concept of infinite
density, regardless of it being a single state or many states (of
different mass), is a boundary to what is possible in physical

Furthermore, the universe can only expand to an ultimate extreme. A
circle can expand infinitely, becoming ever larger, with the curvature
of any distance along the circumference decreasing, moving ever nearer
toward a straight line. Yes, there is an infinite number of possible
measures of curvature, yet there is a single state, pattern, condition,
whatever, where the curvature of the line becomes zero, the point at
which a line through space is perfectly straight. Further, there is a
single state at which all lines are perfectly straight, what I refer to
as Flat Space or the state of Omega Zero. Perfectly straight lines and
the extreme of flat space correlate directly to a common physical
condition or the point in physics of absolute zero mass, density,
curvature, temperature, time, and volume. Flat space extends infinitely
in all directions. Flat space is a boundary.

Infinite density and flat space are ultimate boundaries to a set of all
possible states. They are in essence the boundaries of a spectrum of all
possible states, a set that is infinite yet bordered by those extremes.
Such a spectrum is the most elementary model that can describe nature.
It is also polar, like the mathematical plane, with a positive and a
negative side, making absolute zero or flat space the balance of all
possible states, and our inevitable future.

The universe is expanding not ever nearer to flatness, but rather
directly toward flatness. An inevitable future is why we live in such a
defined and consistent universe. However, all this has led me to realize
that the world we know isn't a single path of time, but rather
space-time is literally shaped by multiple and opposed directions of
time. As well as moving forward toward zero, within the very space that
surrounds us, time tries or does partially move backward toward
past-like states, toward density. The reason the universe expands, and
why positive and negative particles relate in they way they do,
polarized, is because of the inevitable flatness of the future and its
requirements of the present, but as well there are of course less
probable directions of time away from zero, mainly those that lead
backward toward the past or toward infinite density, or gravitation. The
world we know isn’t one path of time but rather it is literally shaped
by multiple and opposing directions in time.

Again, convergence toward flatness is what narrows what is possible for
us at every instant. It produces the consistency of the world and
defines the density of every probability wave, quantum and
gravitational. There are strict requirements upon our universe made by
the future. And thus I believe we do not live in an arbitrary universe,
one of all chaotic and ordered universes, defined only by the anthropic
principle. There are physical laws because of what is physically
possible. And what is possible in time is very defined and all temporal
worlds are ordered and rational.

Devin Harris
Received on Sat Jun 12 1999 - 23:05:05 PDT

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